The blog is here: were are a handful of guest bloggers along with another few official Nokia bloggers and we are covering what is unfolding live at the Nokia World conference in Amsterdam.
Somehow, the wifi in the grand amphi is terrible, and it was almost impossible to surf the web, hence even worse to publish anything (I'm using ftp upload to for resume capabilities). In the press amphi right now, the upload capability is fantastic. Just uploaded 200 MB in a snap. Weird.
I'll be posting some of the videos here, all of them on (and make them public), and most of them on the event blog.
A few notes from the CEO's opening keynote:
- 2338 attendees: operators, investors, press, developers, media and music owners, content owners, etc.
- 4 target segments in the culture of mobility: live = inspiring senses, connect = connecting simply, achieve = collaborative business solutions, explore = multimedia experiences
- Nokia believes the market will reach 3b mobile users in 2007 and in 4b in 2010; half of the growth coming from emerging markets such as India and China
- 850m people using Nokia devices
- a recent study in 11 countries shows that 37% of the 18-24 young people use their phone to browse the Internet
- Symbian retains 70% of smartphones OS
- Nokias supports 2.5M Symbian developpers
note: The official Nokia World blog is at