Just upgraded to Leopard... I bought the upgrade online for less than 9 euros, as I got a new Mac very recently. Got it by courrier today (monday). Not bad considering it came out on the market on Friday at 6pm.
I just put the DVD in, clicked twice, then it took about 2 hours to install, and reboot.
I came back at my desk to stare at an ugly galazy (I really don't like this design. Feels cheap and Microsoft-ish...). 2 seconds of panic (but I had done a full backup before), and about 45 sec later, it started booting into the new UI.
First impressions : all my stuff is here, good.
The menu bar is translucent. Yawn..
Then I noticed my hard disk + my vents spinning at full speed : something wrong ? Nope. Spotlight is indexing my stuff, 2 more hours...

The new UI is weird. Maybe I have weird settings, but I don't like them. Look at these folders : ugly !

Everyone was saying that the new dock was great, blah blah.. Mine is on the side. Hence nothing fancy about it.
And prudent as I am, software update is my immediate test on a new machine. What ? there already are 2 packages to upgrade :) ?
In the systems prefs, I notice of course the new Spaces icon. But I'm more interested in the "back to my Mac" option.
And indeed the networks pane is better designed now.
And I read somewhere that it was not a good idea to press the Time Machine button unless I had time to let it to all the checkups and stuff it does...
So, so far so good. Up on a new OS. Can't wait to try out the new iChat...
The best part of this whole process ? I booted off my external hard disk (my backup) on another Mac, and was able to keep on working during the upgrade. That's what I call customer focus...