- 00:09 nice small Dopplr event tonight in AMS : Marko Ahtisaari, Lisa Sounio, David Weinberger, Cory Doctorow, folks from Joost... #
- 00:10 @ourielOhayon : so you're liking Amiando ? #
- 00:14 @alexksso : funny, I'm invited by Orange + M6 #
- 08:52 @jmplanche : je suis au www.nl-hotel.com. OK sans plus #
- 12:38 just ran into Gary Wang, founder & CEO of Tudou.com, largest video portal in China (60m video views/day)... And former B-school classmate :) #
- 12:40 Marko Ahtisaari, BLYK, is now on stage at Picnic #
- 12:46 BMW-web.tv being presented on stage #
- 12:48 bmw going 2.0... #
- 13:19 very amusing : www.teapartay.com/ #
- 13:22 @rupertrup : yep ;) #
- 16:47 Just landed in Paris. raining. Sorry I missed Dick Hardt's presentation on SXIP: but great talking to him #
- 19:45 @jmplanche : hein ? quoi ? keskidit le monsieur ? le mois est fini ? les bactéries attaquent à minuit comme pour les yaourts ? #
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