Just got my invite through leafar (thanks !). First impressions:
1) nice integration of CSS and design : very slick
2) not enough templates to choose from (only 4)
3) no integration with Flickr (to go and select a picture of me automatically as other services do)
4) pay 20 USD ? no way these days...
5) how do I find my friends ? no integration with contact lists in gmail, hotmail, Yahoo!mail, etc. as other service do - an import from Twitter or Jaiku, would be great ! (currently I'm seeing friends on Twittter4Skype...)
6) only 1 pix to choose from : more fun if I could choose more and play them randomly or according to the mood of the day
7) downloadable app : too geeky, whereas the rest of the site is very mainstream
8) amused that most guys select "gentleman" instead of male
9) I don't like the list of friends by "name. initial of last name". I'd rather have them use the full names or handles
10) no search for friends by tags, places, etc.
11) the added feature of posting a link ? I prefer Twitter's automatic linking feature. Event, why not. sending file is a good idea.
12) and I already got it :) :
13) the feature : check friends of friends is nice