Martin V. has a good post about the internet video sector, and his investments in it, including,, Joost, Azureus.
Update : my selection of excerpts:
"I was looking at the TV Channels that Loic Le Meur built using the infrastructure of and I was super impressed at how studio like quality, a one person effort can be."
"Currently if you produce video content of any kind and are purely looking for audiences Youtube is the place to be. But if you are like my friend Loic Le Meur, France´s top blogger, or myself with a personal blog with over 200K viewers platforms such as Vpod are better because you can control them more. And in any case, in a world of free video posting you are not forced to choose. In my case I post videos in Sevenload, Youtube and Vpod (I am an investor in Sevenload and Vpod). I choose Youtube for the audiences. Vpod for the superb quality of the platform... "