I had never seen anything about this company, but I just saw an ad of the NYTimes. Interesting concept. It's a reasonnably priced airline on a single line, between PARIS and NEW YORK :)
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I had never seen anything about this company, but I just saw an ad of the NYTimes. Interesting concept. It's a reasonnably priced airline on a single line, between PARIS and NEW YORK :)
30 April 2007 in Travel | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: airline, elysair, newyork, paris
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I had missed this announcement: just going through some old blog posts (I hardly read any now). Occam Capital has invested in Mandriva. Good stuff. I know the team at Occam pretty well, and the founder of Mandriva as well. Interesting mix.
And I remember discussing the possibility of this deal a very long while ago on the phone... The challenge is huge, but there are a few possible strategies to make Mandriva standout vs. Ubuntu (the main challenger) to the 2 US-based firms: Redhat and Suse / Novell. Not to forget of course the development of Redflag and other minor distributions.
Challenges include:
. proper positionning in the B2C, B2B or B2G (government) markets (Ubuntu is very B2C. Should Mandriva go B2B ?)
. simplicity of product offering, installation and support for a large-range of hardware
. proper support services, the killer B-model in open-source
. marketing efforts to develop the brand
Opportunities include:
. an alternative to US-based software vendors for international governments
. a low-cost alternative for new markets
. exclusive deals with manufacturers (not PCs... as they are mainly in the USA, but Asia, and also set top boxes, mobile devices...)
Any other thougths are welcome: I've stopped using Fedora and Mandriva, and have moved on to Ubuntu for its simplicity, but it's mainly a B2C proposition.
29 April 2007 in Entrepreneurship, Open source, Venture Capital & Private Equity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I've just spend 2,5 hours watching French Presidential candidate and aristocrat Nicolas Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa, mayor former mayor of Neuilly-Sur-Seine, and former Interior Minister, deliver his speech at his last campaign rally.
Of course we have to recognize that he has a talent for public speeches (great speech writer I suppose, decades of preparation) and that the organization was great: French flags everywhere, stars, singers, cameras. A great show if you are into show business. A great speech if the only thing you are listening to is his tone of voice and ambitious determination.
Now you had to listen carefully to what he was saying, and to what he was not saying. Here are my notes:
1) he does not assume his heritage in the past government
2) he had to hit hard on the left just to exist as an alternative to the right
3) he has a dialectic of a populist right-wing politician
4) he fell into the usual blah blah no-future promises
5) preparing himself for the women support of Ségolène Royal
6) what he didn't talk about
I'm not voting for Nicolas Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa. Indeed I can't vote. But I'm not supporting him. And on this nice Sunday afternoon, I read both programs in detail (Royal, Sarkozy).
She's maybe less experienced in ministerial jobs, and maybe less eloquent in public, but I believe Ségolène Royal defends better my values (education, Europe, public finance, solidarity, environment, entrepreneurial. culture) that are key to the future of my kids.
Just make sure you vote next Sunday. Debate is good. Let's have a lot of it.
29 April 2007 in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (17) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: europe, france, president, royal, sarkozy
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I've been looking for professional / consumer reviews of large flat screens:
* how the image looks on the LCD screens or Plasma screens on these specific models:
* best place to buy them
* pro / cons of each model.
Looking around, it's pretty easy to read the technical specs of each screen, to compare prices, but not to find lab tests. It seems that the best designs are with Pioneer, Samsung, Sony and Panasonic (follow the links for the models).
What's your recommendation ? Any good link ?
28 April 2007 in Consumer electronics | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: flat, lcd, plasma, screen
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Details here
28 April 2007 in Digital content | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Update: here's the debate in a 2 hour archive.
Original LIVE stream was here:
28 April 2007 in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bayrou, bfmtv, debat, france, francoisbayrou, rmc, royal, segoleneroyal
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I am impressed by this girl: although I've never met her formally, I like the way she approaches her political career and how at numerous occasions she explains her choces.
At 29, she has put all of her energy behind a candidate she has chosen: François Bayrou. And even though her candidate didn't make it to the 2nd round of the French presidential election, she's more combative than ever in the newly announced French Democrat party.
In this video (source: Marianne2007.info), she explains again and again why she's involved. I like it when she says : "my generation has to be an actor of its future". She's running for parliament and I support her freshness.
Her ideas are limpid too:
"Si je ne vote pas à titre personnel Nicolas Sarkozy, c’est que sa dérive droitière durant la campagne sur le Ministère de l’immigration et de l’identité nationale et ses propos sur l’eugénisme font de lui un incroyable conservateur. Je suis déjà d’ores et déjà en opposition politique avec ses idées.
Plus grave, me battant pour le changement des pratiques politiques, je n’accepte pas les méthodes employées de pressions sur les individus, qualifiée « méthodes des Haut de Seine », les Français ont le droit à la transparence, les élus de choisir leurs positions en âme et conscience. L’attitude des sarkozystes depuis de longues années à l’Assemblée Nationale vis à vis de nos élus UDF est inadmissible. J'ai très mal ressenti ces pressions, ces menaces et railleries, et provoque chez moi un esprit de résistance.
Si je vote à titre personnel aujourd’hui Ségolène Royal, c’est que dans sa liberté par rapport au PS, elle démontre aujourd’hui qu’une refondation des appareils politiques est possible. De plus, je souhaite une réforme des institutions imminente, comme François Bayrou : séparation des pouvoirs, non cumul des mandats, proportionnelle, fin de la collusion politico médiatique.
Naturellement, je sais d’ores et déjà que le poids de la dette, les réformes qui ne se font pas sont une menace pour ma génération et les suivantes. Ce qui provoquerait si rien n’est fait une fracture générationnelle comme Bernard Spitz l’explique très bien dans son Papy Krach."
(emphasis mine).
We need more young politicians like her, don't you think ?
27 April 2007 in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: election, france, françoisbayrou, partidemocrate, quitteriedelmas, segoleneroyal
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26 April 2007 in Fun | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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On the comedy channel here: http://www.sarkozy.fr/home/
25 April 2007 in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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25 April 2007 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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