15:30 - 17:30 Cities as Digital Communities
CABIN (meeting room in Ketelhuis)
Open, low-cost access to digital networks could encourage people in cities to develop new local media formats. How can cities promote grass roots media?
Moderator: • Sylvia Paull, Founder, Berkeley Cybersalon (United States)
• Joaquin Alvarado, Director, San Francisco State University's Institute for Next Generation Internet, and co-founder of the Digital Sister Cities Initiative (United States)
• Chris Vein, Acting Executive Director, Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, City of San Francisco (United States)
• Esme Guzman de Vos, Founder, Muniwireless.com (the Netherlands)
• Eckart Wintzen, serial entrepreneur, Founder of Ex'tent Green Venture Capital (the Netherlands)
• Erik Fackeldey, Project Manager - IT Sector, Paris Development Agency (France)