I heard it on the radio a couple of hours ago. Rmen just pinged me. April’s Fool day has already passed. So it must be true:
You’ll be able to boot windows on a Mac hardware, using Apple’s latest Bootcamp software ! Amazing and wild. I’m predicting about 10 gazillion diggs and posts and comments and blogs, and agonies over the coming hours. You know what ? It’s great.
This means :
- you can now decide what coolest hardware you want: Sony (…), Mac or Alienware. (did I forget anyone here ?)
- what OS you want to boot: MacOSX or Windows, although I guess Google’s for once on the right side: the web and the browser
- what apps you want to use offline: hum… still some competition in this market
- what apps you want to use online: web 2.0 dudes…
It’s all going to be now about User Interface, usability, COMPATIBILITY, security, availability… Funky. Is Microsoft going in the hardware business? nah… Their parteners are already there. So how much more footprint is Apple going to grab ? Because they do not yet have a Apple Mobile OS, an Apple Media center Edition, etc…
Update: this is an afterthought… Will Vista boot also ?
Update2 : I really haev no clue at how I always get picked up on tech.memorandum, but here is a screenshot. I was right: lots of discussion goign on: