At last the French political scene is waking up to the blogosphere, and in particular to videos. We already saw Nicolas Sarkozy podcasted by Loic Le Meur (with the help of of course), but it was too close to live TV in the format, the setting, the editing. The man being a political beast immediately saw the benefit of using bloggers, and invited them a couple of weeks later only to cover his wishes to the press. Mry covered that for instance (with again).
Valerio was probably the first to cover the left from the inside (I know Loic has talked to left-wing politicians) and asked the elephants (as they are known here) rather casual questions. I had the chande to talk to Valerio at the recent NETIZEN event, and he promised he would stop promoting the usual suspects and talk to the active militants and report live with them. Great.
On the other side of the political spectrum, Versac has started to use video (great, with again ) and is showing you the inside of the UDF center-right party’s rally this weekend : stuff you seldom see on TV. valerio also blogged it. With more journalists covering the 2007 presidential election (such as John-Paul Lepers), more bloggers covering the citizen scene, I expect the debate to become more useful, more democratic, AND FINALLY ABOUT ISSUES, NOT THE BEST SPINNED SMILE.

The upcoming Politique 2.0 event in a week’s time, shall be video podcasted live by DailyMotion for instance. I hope they’ll have enough bandwidth as the program looks really interesting and should attract lots of people. We’ll be there with our own cameras for backstage gossip
I don’t know about you, but I’m super excited that this is becoming possible. And just for the record, bloggers can use any technical provider they want, what counts is that content gets out there!