Fellow bloggers: has this happened to you ? About every day, every time I talk to someone, I get the now typical "but you can't blog it, OK ?".
Somehow my friends and my professional contacts got the feeling that I keep writing about everything I hear or see, which obviously is not the case. I tend to blog about something new to me that I feel will benefit you, about personal thoughts on an issue, or about something that I want to keep on a record log. If you don't want me to blog about it, please say so; however, when it's private & proprietary information, I tend to ask first whether I can blog about it or not. So you shouldn't really worry.
More seriously, I've been rather busy shooting interviews with dozens of people (feeling like Robert Scoble on Channel9 duties here! Hey, looking forward to meeting you in Paris at les Blogs 2.0), learning how to edit them, encode them for proper web format, and some other stuff I'm not talking about yet).
Note: post triggered by the nice comment of Fred D.