Folks, thanks for all the pings today about my blog being so slow, and returning either nothing, or a blank page. I’ll try to fix it ASAP, however I have a pretty heavy day so chances are that we might have to wait for tonight. Sorry about that. Update3: My blog seems back to normal.
PS: some of you are telling me that the video of Gilles Babinet is was missing. Just checked it is still there … Maybe you need to upgrade your Flash player to version 8. That might or not will solve the problem.
Update2: hopefully problem solved. The video should play nicely on Flash 7 and 8, on Macs, PCs and Linux. Sorry for the inconvenience yesterday.
PPS: just checked my stats: a lot of folks are checking my page right now, coming from an article last night on ZDnet. Maybe a cause-effect relationship here ?
Update: it seems that the loading gets stuck while trying to load my blogroll that I get from the RPC service at Bloglines. I'll try to disable it for the moment. I've disabled my blogroll.