It seems this is almost a quiet revolution, unless you consider the recent strikes in France from the workers of the electricity and gaz monopoly,EDF-GDF. Parliament announced yesterday they were making EDF-GDF a societe anonyme, paving the way for a privatization in the near future, although cabinet members deny this allegation. A bit of déjà vu years ago when France Telecom was made an SA...
Tomorrow, the electricity market for SMEs is being deregulated, and a number of companies have prepared to enter this new market. One of them is Poweo, and Pascal has a note about them.
Another one is Direct-Energie, founded by 2 great folks and friends. I met Xavier and Fabien while they were still in prep school before going into Polytechnique and having a successful career in energy policy at EDF for Fabien, and in IT with start-ups for Xavier.
Congrats to them for bringing to market tomorrow their brainchild. I heard on BFM Radio this week that they have already signed a number of companies, including men underwear Arthur...
Patrick Devedjian, Minister for Industry gave a recent speech on the energy market in France.
Update: Direct Energie's press center is here. Le Journal du Net has a story about a deal between Tele2 and the company on 320.000 companies.